3486589 Rubbermaid FLex Dispenser White - 500 mL
3486590 Rubbermaid FLex Dispenser Black - 500 mL
3486591 Rubbermaid FLex Dispenser White 1000mL, 1300mL
3486592 Rubbermaid FLex Dispensers Black 1000mL, 1300 mL
3486561 Enriched Foam Hand Wash 500 ML Pack of 5
3486571 Enriched Foam Hand Wash 1300 ML Pack of 3
3486572 Enriched Lotion Hand Wash 1300 ML Pack of 3
3486577 Enriched Foam Alcohol Plus Hand Sanitizer - E3 1000 ML Pack of 3
DB Industrial Supply is an Authorized Rubbermaid Dealer. If you have a direct account with Rubbermaid or have questions about warranties, please contact the manufacturer directly at 1-800-347-9800 or visit them at www.RubbermaidCommercial.com.